Johnny: Robson, Nathan, and David
What were you doing in this picture?
Johnny: Daddy was reading The Stinky Giant to us.
What do you like to do with your friends?
Johnny: We play games. We play Handy Manny and the Cars matching game. We play futball and pick mulberries. We sometimes play games outside on the porch.
Frankie: I like to play futball with my friends. That is all that I can think of.
What do you like best about being with your friends?
Johnny: Playing games.
Frankie: Playing futball with my friends here and playing games with my friends at school.
What do you like best about your friends?
Johnny: They are so nice and they learn the games quickly.
Frankie: They are so kind.
What do you like best about living in Zambia?
Johnny: That there are so many yo-yos (a candy) and all of the good friends.
Frankie: That we play futball a ton. That you can just pick mulberries any time and have so many friends. That there is a fulball pitch (soccer field) right here and so it is easy to play. I also like our school. I love our yard because it is so pretty and I really like that we have a garden and our gardener, Mr. Phiri.
What do you like best about your school?
Johnny: That there is break and at break you can play.
Frankie: That there are houses in our school with house points and I like my friends in my school.
What is the most interesting thing about living in Zambia?
Johnny: That they play futball more. There are more flies. Also we saw monkeys and I think that is all.
Frankie: How it is harder for people here than in America, some things, like it is harder to get jobs, and harder to get food sometimes. It is interesting when I sing and dance at church in the children's choir, and I saw the children preach, too.
What did you do for Valentine's Day?
Johnny: We wore red or pink to school, but I wore red. We had a party. I made Valentines for my friend Russel, and Frankie, and Mom and Dad, and Grandma. I will give it to her when we come back to Michigan. Grandma will not believe it! Even in America, was it Valentine's Day yesterday? (Yes) When I come back I am going to say Happy Valentine's Day and kiss her, then I will give her the Valentine.
What are you doing in the photos below?
Frankie: Doing my play at school. My lines were, "Turnips: Turn up for school on time. Turn up for after school activities." It was about four vegetables. I was in turnips, and the other ones were peas and squash and lettuce.
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